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Side Dishes Recipes


19 March 2024
Dessert Recipes


Side Dishes Recipes


Delicious Sweet Kumara Pie (Pai Kumara Reka)

2 sheets sweet short pastry,
125g gingernut biscuits ½ pack,
35g almonds, 
750g kumara, orange or gold,
50g butter, diced,
1 tsp cinnamon,
½ tsp nutmeg,
½ tsp ginger,
85g brown sugar,
3 eggs,
250ml cream,
1 tsp vanilla,
Pre-heat your oven to 200°C.
Line your pie dish with the sweet short pastry, refrigerate the lined dish for 60 mins.
Peel and chop the kumara into 3 cm pieces, lay out on a baking paper lined roasting tray.
Sprinkle the kumara with the spices.
Spread the diced butter around the pieces of kumara and drizzle the kumara with maple syrup.
Cover the roasting tray with tin foil, bake for 30 mins until the kumara is soft, the maple syrup and butter will form a caramel on the base of the lined tray.
While the kumara is roasting, blitz the almonds and gingernut biscuits in a food processor to form a fine crumb.
Remove the baked kumara from the oven and allow to cool on the bench.
Take the chilled pastry case, gently press a layer of the gingernut and almond crumb into the base of the pastry, you will use around ½ crumb, reserve the rest to go on the top of the cooked pie. Blind bake the pastry case for 10 mins at 200°C. 
Purée the cooled kumara, be sure to scrape all the sweet bits from the baking paper into the purée. If you need a little extra liquid for your blended to create a smooth purée, use a little of the 250ml cream.
In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, cream, vanilla essence, and brown sugar.
Stir the kumara purée through the egg mixture, until you have a smooth consistent pie filling.
Pour the kumara filling into the blind-baked pastry in your pie dish. Reduce the temp of your oven to 160°C and bake the pie for 45-50 mins, until the filling is firm.
Decorate the pie, with cream and you may like to add small star cookies to celebrate the stars of Matariki.

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